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It all started with a sword fight...

Okay, with several sword fights. But that's how all the best stories begin, right?

Anyhow, this series of sword fights resulted in me winning several back to back tournaments. Yes, I won some prizes; no, none of them were sword racks. But along with the various prizes, I also won the obligation to run said series of tournaments the following year. As well as arrange for their prizes.

I think you can see where this is going.

Being me, I decided to make most of those prizes myself. Call it inspired, call it stubborn, call it stupid - it all comes down to the same result: me creating a heck of a lot of sawdust over the course of a couple months as I sawed and measured and drilled and planed and stained and Who Knows What Else in the workshop. And in the process, I managed to make a few prizes.

The origins of Hold My Sword came from those tournaments. The sword racks you find on this site are a simplified, "I'm not as good at fine woodworking as he is" version of a design initially created by my friend David Biggs. I just managed to find a nice source of hardwoods and a different way of putting the pieces together that people seem to like.

I hope you like my sword racks as well. I know I certainly love making them.



(also known in the SCA as Simon Morcar, OL, OP, OD, WS, etc.)

Web site and content © 2023 by Douglas Hulick

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